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Useful links

1. Pensions

National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed


Federal Pension Service


Overseas Social Security Office

Overseas Social Security (overzeesesocialezekerheid.be)

Sociale Zekerheid: https://socialsecurity.belgium.be/en

2. Other Belgian Ombudsman


3. International Ombudsman

Europese Ombudsman: www.euro-ombudsman.eu.int

International Ombudsman Institute: www.theioi.org

Association des Ombudsman et Médiateurs de la Francophonie: https://www.aomf-ombudsmans-francophonie.org/

Europees Ombudsman Instituut: http://www.eoi.at

SOLVIT is a European network that was set up in 2002 to try and find pragmatic online solutions to problems arising between citizens or companies and public administrations due to incorrect or inaccurate applications of legislation on the internal market.